Sales Training Blog, Sales Debut


Let's Answer Some Common Questions About Sales selling principles video Nov 25, 2023

Ralph Cerullo of Sales Debut answers commonly searched questions about sales and being a salesperson.

1. Can anyone become a salesperson?

2. Is being a salesperson hard?

3. What does it mean to...

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Sales Tip: Proposals are Leverage! sales tips video Oct 22, 2022

Sales Tip: Remember that proposals are leverage! As a currency in the sales cycle, it must be traded for something of value such as time and attention. Don't throw away the one thing you have to...

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Sales Tip: STOP Checking In!! sales tips video Oct 22, 2022

Hot Sales Tip: Checking in is for people who don't manage their sales process and lose control of their deal. If you need to call someone just to make sure that they're still alive, then you...

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